Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Not much to say today, and I actually should be writing a paper that is due tomorrow...but I can't help myself! X and I have the most fabulous jobs in the whole world. We get to fly anywhere we want--free. ANYWHERE! So... on a whim we decided we should go to New York this weekend and visit his best friend Andrew! NEW YORK!!?!?! Seriously? I always wanted to go there and now it's like no big thing! Ah-Only it IS big!! And I am so excited I can't even think straight.. I need ideas for cool things you would do if you got to spend the weekend in NY...

There are so many cool things--let me know so I can plan my weekend wisely!

On another note--I lost 4 lbs! YES! small and simple victories in life =). I'm also running a half marathon with my sister Elise in the summer! I guess I better get my butt in gear! I was supposed to go run tonight, but I forgot that I get to get my hair done by my bestie!! YAY for hair days! I hope everyone's weekend was great, and that your week is going as fabulously as mine is right now!

This is us in my more fabulous days...before I was even engaged! I'll post a new pic when my hair is done =)

Also, poor little Zada bug is at the vet right now getting her insides all cut up =(. Sad day, I wont see the little weasle until tomorrow!!

aww baby bug!

Happy Tuesday guys!!

Alexis =)


  1. Eat at ellens stardust diner. its in times square google it and find it. the waiters sing fun songs and the food is DELICIOUS and not too pricey. YUM!

  2. We found a bus tour, where you can get on and off as you please at any of the stops, and they come back every 15 minutes so you can spend longer in some places and such. It was worth it! We got to see everything! And pick where we spent time. I loved the museums. And the Broadway show!!!

  3. Jealous...that's all I have to say

  4. Go to little Italy to get dessert, skip China town (so yucky) well unless you want to get some cheap stuff on the street- then go there, definitely see a Broadway show- worth every penny if you get a good one! Have a hot dog at greys papaya and take a picture with the Naked Cowboy
